Monday, 9 August 2010

Back to school party invitations

My son, well it seems that he is very choosy and bossy when it comes to his party invitations. Yesterday I showed him these layouts and he told me: Well you didn’t impress me!

A bell in my head is ringing: How did we get this far? Something’s wrong in this picture! Am I too soft?

Judge it for yourselves.
Judge it for yourselves.



  1. Dugo nisam bila kod tebe, malo sam pregledala zadnje radove i više su nego odlični kao i uvijek!

  2. Mnogo ti hvala, he, he, kiss :D

  3. Ne znam što sina nije impresioniralo, tj. što mu fali na pozivnicama, ali iskreno, mislim da "fali" po jedan odvažni okvir na svakoj...
    Bilo da je nacrtan, zavezana vuna kroz rupice ili nalijepljen od kolaža u boji, mislim da bi podigao ove krasne kompozicije koje si složila na pozivnice ;)
    Inače mi se baš sviđa taj scrapbook stil i kombiniranje tekstura, boja i motiva, bravo za maštovitu mamu :)

  4. Da znas da cu da probam sa nacrtanim okvirom. Hvala :D. On zeli da bude jos sarenije, valjda mu nije dovoljno decije, ma ko ce ga znati, sutra ce zaboraviti sta je danas rekao, he, he

  5. They are all very nice, but maybe he has grown up and something's changed. Ask him what he would like to see in the invitation, in what colours...:)I'm sure you can do everything!

  6. He already has changed his mind :D but thanks for help

  7. They are beautiful :-) I was going to say perhaps it's just that young eyes see things differently or perhaps he's not as creative as his mum, but I see he's changed his mind :-)
    Anne xx
