Monday, 12 April 2010

Spring blanket

I made one granny square and than... got carried away… it seems that it’s gonna be a spring blanket.


  1. Love the colors! You're getting pretty good at this! Wow... :)

  2. seeing this blanket takes me back to my childhood, my grandmother used to make these - we had them on our beds as children. You've come such a long way in a short time.

    Paula x x x

  3. Tebi se izgleda baš sviđa ta heklica! Odlično ti ide, samo nastavi da imamo čime da se ušuškamo na onoj klupi na Adi što smo se dogovorile jednoga dana da pijuckamo kafu/čaj i posmatramo vodu dok muževi čuvaju decu!:))

  4. Aleksandra you've got yourself a deal :D
    Paula, thank you so much, I am rather proud now :D

  5. Ok, i think that you are going to change the name of the blog into "Crochet, Nela, Crochet" :D
    Just kidding, but you seem hooked on it

  6. Ha, ha, ha, rather hooked :D
